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My Love-Hate Relationship with Apple

Not even a year out of the M$ campus, and I’ve adapted to a new life in SF accompanied by the usual mix of geeky accoutrements. Along with the Twitter account and flirtations with new technology, I’ve also managed to acquire an assortment of Apple products including a brand new MacBook (which I’ve affectionately named “AdaBook”) to replace the old faithful IBM ThinkPad T40 and an iPhone.

A week into my new iPhone experience, all of my apps spontaneously stop working! Don’t get me wrong, I love the user experience of the iPhone — it’s unbeatable — but multiple hard reboots and logging in and out of the iTunes store later, I eventually got it to work again. A quick Google search showed that I’m really not alone.

The latest development this week is that my MacBook has started cracking! It’s been chipping away at three points in the case. Two right at the edge of the inner joint (under the Macbook monitor logo) and one at the right palm rest. Photos below:

My MacBook is very gently used. It spends most of the day sleeping on the living room coffee table, and has only traveled a handful of times. I am not a student and don’t lug it around anywhere. I’ll try taking it into the Apple store this weekend and will report back to you what they say.

I definitely enjoy Apple products, but given the issues that I’m having with my month-old iPhone and eight month old MacBook, we’re not off to the most auspicious start. Anyone else having issues?