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Ada Chen Rekhi

An In-Depth Guide to Executive Coaching: Everything You Need To Know (Part 1)

    I’m excited to share what I’ve learned from 80+ conversations to map the executive coaching industry:

    • How are executives finding their executive coach?
    • What areas is coaching effective for and how are people leveraging it?
    • How much do executive coaches typically charge, and what’s the structure?
    • How do you maximize the value from your coaching relationship?

    I was curious about these questions, too, in the course of answering these I collected interviews across 13 coaches, 17 founders and executives (Director/VP/GM+) who have engaged coaches, and 50+ prospective coachees.

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    7 Things No One Tells You About Being a Startup Founder

      When I founded my first company Connected back in 2011, I was really surprised by the intensity of the emotional rollercoaster. By then I’d already worked everywhere from large corporate Microsoft to tiny new startup and felt prepared. I was dead wrong. I remember describing it to a friend as, “After I started a company, everything became 10x more intense. The highs and lows filled with terror, sometimes all in the same hour. Everything else I’d done in my professional career fades in comparison.”

      Read More »7 Things No One Tells You About Being a Startup Founder

      Finding Meaningful Work with “Designing Your Life”

        With all of the talk of The Great Resignation, it doesn’t come as a surprise that many people are asking the question, what do I really want to do?

        Many people follow a guiding star throughout their early career. Their career transitions are based on what their parents or peers expected, what their peers did, where there was the highest status, or even taking what they were good at to its natural extreme. Later on, what they begin to question is whether that work is meaningful or significant to them.

        Read More »Finding Meaningful Work with “Designing Your Life”

        The Leadership Chasm

          Why transitioning to management is hard: The Leadership Chasm

          When I coach founders and execs, I often encounter them in a point of transition. Reaching the point in your career where you transition from individual contributor to a people leader is often a story of struggle. Here’s why it’s so difficult to rise to the new challenge: The Leadership Chasm.

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